Affiliate Disclosure

This Affiliate Compensation Disclosure is provided by GPA For Comics (we, us, our, or GPA), and applies to, including, without limitation, both mobile and online versions of our websites (collectively, referred to herein as the Site), and is provided for the purpose of disclosing GPA's financial relationship with our Affiliates.

The Site uses an affiliate service called Skimlinks which means we may earn revenue if you buy a product after clicking a link to a retailer on our site, if you want to learn more about Skimlinks, just visit

The Site links may feature third party products and services (the Affiliate Products) and which link to third party owned and operated web sites where you can purchase Affiliate Products. Any time that you click on a link to an Affiliate’s Product on the Site and then follow the link to purchase an Affiliate Product on the Affiliate’s web site, GPA may receive compensation from the Affiliate offering the Affiliate Product.