CGC Private Signing with Hall of Fame Inductee Roy Thomas
CGC is beyond thrilled to share the news that the award-winning comic book writer and editor Roy Thomas will be joining us for an In-House Private Signing! Thomas is known for being the late Stan Lee’s first successor as Marvel Comics’ editor-in-chief. He is also the co-creator of several — and we mean several — great comic book characters such as Wolverine, Vision, Doc Samson, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Ultron, Ghost Rider, Banshee and Valkyrie. Beyond character creation, Thomas has had a number of long writing stints on series like Marvel’s X-Men and The Avengers, and DC’s All-Star Squadron.
When the first Star Wars film was released in 1977, Thomas was instrumental in constructing Marvel’s book adaptation of it. Thomas is also famous for introducing the Pulp magazine hero Conan the Barbarian, which has had several spin-off series and adaptations. Click here to see a database on all of Roy's creations and contributions to the industry.
“Getting Roy Thomas to come in for a CGC In-House Private Signing is really exciting!” exclaimed Brittany McManus, CGC Signature Series Director. “Our lineup for these events has been consistently incredible, and we continue to bring legend after legend to our comic fans. When we hear the fans cheer and see the excitement expressed in their notes on submissions — it honestly makes me love my job even more!”
For this exclusive event, ALL CGC members — that includes free CGC members — can submit books directly to CGC headquarters in Sarasota, Florida.
If the CGC In-House Private Signing needs to be rescheduled CGC will securely store all submissions in its vault until the event can be rescheduled.
After Thomas signs the submitted books, CGC will grade and encapsulate them with an expedited turnaround time of only three weeks. If CCS pressing is also requested, the expedited turnaround time will be six weeks. After grading and encapsulation, the collectibles will be shipped back to their owners.
The CGC In-House Private Signing fee for Roy Thomas is $80 per item and includes:
- Roy Thomas’ signature
- Expedited turnaround time of three weeks for CGC grading
- Expedited turnaround time of six weeks for CGC grading and CCS pressing (an additional $20 fee applies for CCS pressing)
- Encapsulation with CGC’s iconic yellow Signature Series label
CGC must receive all submissions for this event at its Florida headquarters by Monday, November 30, 2020.
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